Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Library Books Read-A-Thon Announcement and Sign Ups

I'm very excited to announce my very first read-a-thon. I love read-a-thons and I really think they motivate me to read. I present to you the Library Books Read-A-Thon. June read-a-thons seem to be in short supply so I hoped to fill in the gap. 

The goal of this read-a-thon is to read as many library books as possible. If you are like me you always have books that are close to due that need to be done and fast so this read-a-thon is a great time to get those books done and get them back to the library.

I'm not going to be picky. If you want to read your own books go ahead. I just love read-a-thons so I would love anybody who could join. 

This Read-A-Thon will start at midnight on June 21 and will go until midnight of the 28th. I will put an update, linky post up every day during the read-a-thon so you guys can link your progress and we can meet new bloggers through this read-a-thon. 

The Sign Up Linky is below. Please put the link directly to your sign up post. Grab the button and go. 



  1. Thanks for letting me know! i will update my blog events calendar and try to join in. I have a big stack of library books I can't renew so trying to get through them quickly! I love the library!

    1. Your welcome. I hope you can join. I will put up a reminder post up next week about it and every week until the event. I'm hoping to get a few people.

  2. I haven't had the chance to write up a post yet, but count me in! I haven't been a big library-goer as of late, but I'm planning on going much more frequently in the summer! I'll be sure to spread the word (:

    1. Thank you Debz. I need some help to get people to sign up as my viewer following isn't that big. I really want the event to be a success.

  3. I have been avoiding the library lately since my stacks at home are so out of control! I'll see where I'm at when this gets closer and see if I think I can swing it...kudos for starting your own read-a-thon though -- it's always a bit of a leap of faith when you decide to host your own event as a new blogger -- I hope it's a success :)

    1. If you want to read your own books I won't be picky. I just needed a name and goal for the read-a-thon. I would love for you to join.

  4. Great read-a-thon, Rachael! I have a ton of library books that I never seem to get to because of all the review copies to read. I love the idea of dedicating the read-a-thon to library books!

    I'm in!

    1. Congrats on being my very first participate. I'm so happy you could join us.

  5. I just HAPPEN to have two library books to read AND a library audio so I'm good to go. Signing up! Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know. =O)

  6. Rachael, I had to enter my link again. For some reason, my first post didn't publish. The correct link will be #4. Sorry about that!

    1. Thanks Michelle I deleted the other link.

  7. I found out about this event over at Michelle's blog, and love the concept of it. It's a bit premature for me to sign up just yet, but I'm a read-a-thon addict so I have no doubt that I'll be back!

    1. I told you I'd be back! I have several library books that are hovering around their due date. Thanks for putting this on Rachael.

  8. I just discovered this! I'm going to get my post up...and I finished a library book today. May I count it as one of the books?

    1. Absolutely. I would love to have you join.

    2. Thanks! I was ready to take it off if I needed to.

  9. Joining rather late but I have been reading a lot of library books lately.

  10. third book, first library book :-)

    1. I'm so glad you have read that many books.


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