When I was looking for post ideas for A Month of Rapunzel I came across The Snuggly Duckling Coasters and I honestly thought they were supper cute. You can get the template for the coasters at this website, but I will tell you how I changed the crafted and made these really cute coasters.
This Snuggly Duckling Coaster is inspired by Marissa Meyer's Cress. I went on the internet and printed off three backgrounds then traced them with the template. The back is dark blue for the cover. Then the red is for the title of the book on the front. I decided to make the duck white and glue on the eye from the template. The way I found works best with darker colors is to trace the template on the back of the paper that way you can see where you are supposed to cut. You have to be careful with which way you want the duck facing.
These light colors I used for this one are inspired by Rapunzel Untangled by Cindy C. Bennet. Although in no way a light story these are the colors that the cover uses. Purple for the background, pink for the title, and a yellow duck for her blond hair.
This last one is inspired by The Fairest of Them All by Carolyn Turgeon. The background is purple for Rapunzel. The red background is for Snow White, whose lips are red like a rose. The blue duck if for the prince in the novel. I think this one works because they all have such different personalities. This is the one I was talking about with you have to watch which way you would like the duck facing.
Then if I actually planned to use these I would laminate them and then they would last forever, but I will probably just use them as decorations.
Thanks for stopping by.

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