Hosted by Reading with a Vegence and Pretty Deadly Reviews
I'm so excited to find another challenge to sign up for summer. I just signed up for the Make Me Read it Read-A-Thon and the Virtual Summer Reading Program. Please Vote for my Make Me Read It reads here. This challenge goes on for the whole month of July. The idea is that you set a goal for yourself and then strive to meet it. I'm not going to do a certain number of books because that is always hard for me to meet. Some days I read around 2 hours, but other days I read barely any at all. Also for the page numbers it varies by the book.
I'm going to pledge to read at least 300 pages a week. I think this is doable. I see it failing for the next week as we are going to be on vacation, but I will try. Sometimes we have a lot of down time, so we will see. Check out the books on my Make Me Read It Voting and the Books I Want to Read this Summer to see what I will read.

Sounds like fun! Good luck with your goals! My family is just doing the summer reading program for our library. It is fun!