Hosted by the Broke and the Bookish
Fall is crunch time for challenges and getting those books read that I would like to read in 2016. I created a list of 10 books I would like to read this fall, which is until around November for me. My reading time is going to be cut again as I start my student teaching journey. I will still read before bed and finish some books during the school year.
These are the 10 books I hope to read from September to the beginning of December.
1. We Should Hang Out Sometime- Part of my sister's and I book recommendation challenge
2. Stitching Snow- book number 2 of my sister's and I book recommendation challenge.
3. The Start of You and Me- a book I have been putting off forever
4. Golden- a book I own that I want to read
5. Friendship- the last book I need to complete our reccomendation challenge.
6. Small Great Things- an 2016 anticipated release
7. Home Front- another book I have been putting off forever
8,9,10. Princess Academy Series- a series I want to complete this year.