I absolutely love Goodreads and tracking my TBR, but sometimes my TBR overwhelms me. My goal since I created my Goodreads account back in 2012 has been to keep my TBR manageable. I'm constantly trying to read books off the TBR list, but not add as many books as I erase. Back in 2014 I decided to create a spreadsheet of my Goodreads TBR list, so I could see how many books I have read off the list and see if I was making progress on getting the list down. I started this project back in 2014 with 238 books. I still have 131 books from the 2014 list that have not been read. 232 books from 2015 I haven't read and that leads me up to my current Goodreads TBR, which is at 392 books. I have to admit that it is crazy that my TBR has grown to almost 400 books. When I look though the list there are some amazing books on the list that I want to read, but don't know if I will ever have the time to read. I have always sat somewhere in the 300s and been fine with it, but 400 books for me is a lot.
Sometimes my TBR overwhelms me. I just want to lower the number of books on the list and make some progress. I love my spreadsheet and I love seeing the progress I make over multiple years. I also think the individual challenges I do keep me reading books off this list at a pretty consistent rate. The books that I really worry I will never read apear on the 1st page. Many have been there since I joined Goodreads and I still haven't read them.
At the end of the day I need to enjoy what I'm reading and sometimes it is isn't all about the numbers. At the end of the day my TBR serves a purpose to help me remember books that I want to read and if I don't read some then that is just how it is going to be.