My friend Rachel and I bought tickets to see Taylor Swift in concert over a year ago. We waited 327 days for the concert to come around. We fell in love with her album 1989 and we knew we needed to see her in concert. We bought 4 tickets, so my little sister, Renae could come along and Rachel's guest didn't work out, so we ended up inviting our best friend, Lynette to come along.
Rachel lives in Des Moines, Iowa, so this concert was our obvious choice since we were able to avoid hotel fees by staying at her parents house. It took a lot of careful planning to get to this moment, but Renae and I were finally able to see our second Taylor Swift concert (That shirt I'm wearing I got from the Fearless concert), my friend Rachel attended her fourth Taylor Swift concert (she only missed Red and her tour with Keith Urban counts), and Lynette got to experience her first Taylor Swift concert.
If you are a Taylor Swift fan and you will be attending one of her remaining tour stops, She only has 6 US concerts left, I would suggest you stop reading the post now. If you all know Taylor Swift her concerts are some of her best kept secrets, while I for sure will not spoil the whole concert I do want to talk about my experience and of course the music is part of it. I took all the pictures used in this post, so there is no copyright infringement.
We arrived at the concert early so we could take pictures in front of her millions of semi (no kidding, but she has at least 20). Then we went to wait in front of the door for entry.
Of course as super fans, we had heard about the light up bracelets that were supposedly free. We thought we would get them when we came in the door, but we didn't. We went upstairs to find our seats after a quick trip to the souvenir shop, and the bathroom. We were so ecstatic to find the wristbands on our seats.
Then we began the long wait for the concert to begin. Taylor Swift as usual had videos playing before the concert, so we were entertained. We made friends with our neighbors. Way to the left we had a 5 year old, who was very cute. She says that she is the biggest Taylor Swift fan and her favorite song is Welcome to New York.
My new shirt. Taylor is a rockstar. |
Vance Joy came out around 7:30 and he sang for a half an hour. I enjoyed his music, but he could have stepped up the performance. He said that Taylor Swift could have chose anybody and he was glad that it was him. Glorianna opened at the Fearless concert and I fell in love with their music. I can't say the same for Vance Joy, but I may buy a couple songs.
Taylor Swift finally came out at 8:30 and started off the concert with Welcome to New York. She sang all her songs off 1989 minus This Love. She sang 5 throwback songs, which were You Belong with Me, Love Story, I Knew you were Trouble, Enchanted (mashed with Wildest Dreams), and We are Never Ever Getting back together.
Highlights of the concert for me were seeing the wristbands light up and change colors in tune to her songs. Especially
during I Knew You were Trouble, where only special people got a red bracelet and my friend Rachel was lucky enough. The catwalk was by far the thing we talked about the most after the concert It was so cool to watch it rise up when she sang You Belong with Me and later in the show it spun around. I loved the inspirational speech she gave before she sang Clean. She said that this is the song that fans have told her over and over again how much it has helped them get through a different time. She emphasized that after you get out of a relationship that is a great time to find out what is important to you. I haven't been in a relationship, so I didn't personally relate, but I think the hardest part for me has always been putting myself out there and I think that is the most difficult part of finding a lasting relationship is having the courage to start the relationship.

Overall Taylor Swift was amazing, as always each set fit the song perfectly, and I had fun dancing and singing along to the entire show. Although Taylor Swift has changed over from country/pop to pop I am still a hug fan. I fall more in love with 1989 every day. I have listened to this album over and over again and the lyrics are still Taylor Swift even if her sound is different. Although are seats were pretty high up we were able to see the entire show and I would have liked if our section stood up, but overall we had a lot of fun. It was great to share this experience with my two friends and my sister. This might be the only time that we are all in one place and able to do something like this, so I'm glad we took the risk and decide to buy tickets, even though it wasn't in our college student budget. Life is about taking chances and their worth making.

We had a fun rest of the weekend too, which I will talk about in another post since this one is pretty long already. October 8th, 2015 will be another day I will never forget. This moment will forever be implanted in my mind and be a highlight of my life. This night is sparkling don't you let it go.