Brit is nothing if not determined and she knows that she doesn't want to be at Red Rock. Her plan might be crazy and it might seem impossible, but Brit is determined that it goes through. It requires V making another sacrifice for Brit and we find out a very interesting secret about V. Red Rock is her safe haven. She could have checked out months ago, but she keeps knocking herself back down so she can stay even though she hates it there.
2. Brit finds letters from her mother and grandmother. What did you feel about them? Do you think there is still hope for Brit's mother? And how did her grandmother feel about Brit being sent to the Red Rock?
I think Dr. Clayton is a jerk for not giving them to Brit. It made me sad and mad for her when she found them. Then she got to find out where her mom was and in the letter her mom was actually with it a little bit. I think Brit's grandmother was in denial and then after she accepted it, angry.
3. We find out the truth about V. What really happened to her? How do you feel about this? Were you expecting something like this?
I answered this question in number 1 that she is 18 and could leave, but Red Rock is her safe haven. Red Rock becomes her safe haven because her father died in a car accident and got V scared of the world.
4. What did you think of the way this book ended? Do you feel satisfied? Were there things you didn't like that much? What was your favorite part?
The ending was a little bit predictable, but I liked it. I felt like this book had so much sadness that it needed at least one happy ending. I was happy for Brit and the other girls to finally be able to get out of Red Rock.
5. What is your first thought of Sisters In Sanity? Did you enjoy it? Do you think you'll want to read it again? If you have read Gayle Forman's other books, did you like this one more or less?
At first I didn't overly enjoy Sisters in Sanity. Then eventually I became interested in the characters which pushed me to keep reading. I'm excited to read more Gayle Forman books. I think this one was a good start.
My review should be up tomorrow.

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