It is time to announce my participation in Bout of Books 8.0. Bout of Books is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading Paranormal. Check Bout of Book's Blog for more information.
I'm also going to post my goals in this post. Bout of Books happens to be happening in my final week before I go off to college. I move into my campus on August 23rd and begin classes on August 26th. I want to get a lot of reading done during Bout of Books Week.
General Goals:
I want to read 3 books
I want to track how much time I spend reading (I did this for the last bout of books and it was really interesting to see how much time I read)
The Books:
I really enjoyed City of Fallen Angels! Good Luck on your goals this week!
My Bout of Books Goals
Thanks for stopping by.