Friday, June 13, 2014

Library Books Read-A-Thon Day 5 Digital Collection

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Welcome to Day 5 of the Library Books Readathon. My Kinder Camp students last day is today. It is always sad to say goodbye they get so used to the routine in this point of time. Kinder Camp just makes me more excited for my future as a teacher. Tomorrow's Post is going to be about my time as a Library Volunteer at College.

Today though I'm going to talk about my Library's digital collection. The rise of the E-Reader, I wrote an essay about it my senior year of high school. I have to admit I'm not totally on board with the E-Reader yet. It is getting harder to not read some e-books. Although I get majority of my e-books free from amazon there is a percentage I get from my Library's digital collection.

I can audiobooks and ebooks from the library. I have to admit I check out audiobooks a lot more than ebooks. It is difficult to get into ebooks because I don't have an ereader so I read and listen on my computer. I carry my currently reading paperback or hardcover book whereever I go and that is how I get so much reading done. It is different with ebooks.

Either way I find the digital library super convenient. It is something that I'm slowly reading more of although I never want real books that I can hold to go away.

What is your thoughts?

Update your progress below. If you are using a different post for each day link up below. If you are using the same post for the whole week you should already be on the list. I'm going to use the same linky list for the entire week. Come back tomorrow as I talk about my experience volunteering at my college public library.


  1. I'm not big on the ereaders. I love books. I feel like they are a work of art. I like turning pages. I like see the pretty covers. I don't ever see myself getting an ereader.

    1. I don't see it either, but it is getting harder to not read ebooks.

  2. I love, love, LOVE my Kindle. To me, it's all about the story, and I enjoy both electronic books and books printed on paper. I've lost a couple of library books while on business trips, so I don't allow myself to take one out of town. Having a Kindle means that I can now take the library eBooks with me. Even if I lose my Kindle, I won't have to pay the library to replace a lost book. I've also discovered a number of authors that are new to me because of the free or deeply discounted books that are offered at Amazon.

    1. I love Kindle Freebies, but I'm slow at reading them because they are on my computer. My dad enjoy's his Kindle because it will read books to him. I hope you never lose your Kindle while on a business trip. I think Library books are cheaper.


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