Sunday, December 8, 2013

The I Haven't Reached My Reading Challenges Goals Yet! Readathon Wrap Up

Hosted by Debz Bookshelf

I read a total of 512 pages in 8 hours and 3 minutes in 7 days. That is an average of 1 page per minute and 73 pages per day. This was a pretty sucessful readathon for me. I was able to get one book closer to finishing the challenge I want to finish and I was able to start a book I have been wanting to read the whole year, but haven't. 

Book Started:
Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
Book Finished: 
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Thanks for hosting Debz



  1. Great job! I am impressed you were able to read that much and deal with college things. I still want to read Anna and the French Kiss and Breadcrumbs has an interesting cover. Hope you have a good end of semester!

    1. It was a pretty easy week at college this week so i was able to get quite a bit of reading done. Anna and the French Kiss was amazing. I'm excited to continue to read the series in 2014.

  2. Well done on getting so much reading done! I haven't read either of these, but I hope you enjoyed Anna and the French Kiss and Breadcrumbs (when you've finished it).

    I missed this readathon, but I'm taking part in the End of the Year Readathon from tomorrow until the 22nd, and I'm hoping to get about 1000 pages done, which works out as the same amount per day as you got done this time!

    1. I'm really excited for the end of the year cram readathon. I'm hoping to get a couple books done.


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