June was a super busy month. My one class I'm taking online this summer had a lot going on this month and we aren't really slow down until I'm done with the class. I had Kindercamp at the beginning of June and it was so much fun. We had such a good group this year. This class of Kindergarteners are going to do great. Then I got a call the 2nd week of June for an interview at a church daycare. I started the last week of June. So far I love how flexible the schedule is and getting to interact with kids all day. I know in my last wrap up I said I wasn't working this summer because I had given up hope. Then this opportunity came along and I couldn't be more excited. I'm going to work the rest of this summer and then I will be back over Christmas Break and have a job to come back to next summer. I will make more next summer just because I will be working from the start. If you have been following me closely you would know I have been loving this job so far. My first career of choice was to be a daycare provider and I would be lying if I didn't say I still think I might do that job. It will be after my kids are born so I have the ability to stay home with them. Right now I'm excited about being a teacher. Its been great starting my first real job.
In other news this month the rainy days have seemed to end for now that has been most of my summer so far. My twin cousins were born this month. Sydney and Cameron were both 7 pounds and healthy. We were so excited to meet them and hold them. We happy for such a healthy pregnancy. I also made a trip to visit my friend who lives 4 and 1/2 hours away. It was quite a drive, but we had a fun weekend.
In reading world I read 7 books this month or if you want to get technical 4 novels, 2 novellas, and 1 audiobook. I started out the month with a slower read and ended the month with one also, which is why the final book I started in June will be on my July wrap up. I started the month with
Deception's Princess by Esther Friesner. This book was pretty slow. There was a lot of world building to accomplish, but I gave it a high rating because I did enjoy the ending and most of the book. At the same time I was reading The
Subtle Beauty by Ann Hunter which I got as a kindle freebie during fairy tale fortnight. This was a retelling of The Beauty and the Beast and I loved this novel so much that the author offered to give me a free copy of Moonlight, which is about the parents in Subtle Beauty. Then I continued on the month with
The One and Only by Emily Giffin, which is by far not my favorite one of her books, but I did enjoy it a lot. If you love football you will fall in love with Giffin's new novel. At the same time I was reading Maelyn by Anita Valle. This is part of the 9 princesses novella series. The first book is free on amazon. I loved this book a lot and will be doing a quick review on it in the future. I will be purchasing the second novella Coralina. Then I dove into
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. I feel like I'm repeating the same words over and over again. City of Heavenly Fire was amazing. I loved every single page of this novel. Then I read my April random read, yes I know April was three months ago,
The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston. I loved the action of this book and it was a nice short book after City of Heavenly Fire. Then I went to my friend's house as I mentioned above. She lives 4 and 1/2 hours away and so I had a 9 hour round trip and I needed something to do in the car since I would be by myself. I listened to an audiobook of Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore. I did enjoy the narration, but the book was just okay for me. My full review will be up soon.
Did you notice review links have finally made their way back in the wrap ups. I have been behind on reviews since March and I finally caught up this week so from now on you will see reviews as I write them as I finish books. I just finished The Rules for Breaking by Ashley Elston.

This is about the time last year I gave up on my monthly TBR list. I couldn't stand the pressure and I wasn't keeping up. I so want to finish every book I put on this list, but I know that isn't always possible. If you have been following my weekly library posts then you would know that three books have sat on the list the whole time, Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan, and The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker. As much as I want to read these books my time has run out and I will be returning them unread along with Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell which I cannot renew and my three weeks are up. It just isn't the right time to be reading these books and I'm sure that I will read them sometime this year or even next year just not now. As of now I have three books on my TBR list that I will read this month the rest of the month I'm unsure about. I will either pick random books from the library that I pick off the shelves (something I rarely do) or I will read books that I own such as The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer Smith, To All the Boys I have Loved Before by Jenny Hann, The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Mrycle, or some of the new books I got this month coming up below.
July marks a year since I have attended Summer Bridge see my wrap
here. It was easily the four most stressful weeks of my life, but I think I gained a lot from the experience. I only read three books last July so I think this record will be easy to beat this year.
The books are Popular by Maya Van Wagenen, The Real Boy by Anne Ursu (June random Read), and Little City by the Lake by Celia Wilkins.
I won three giveaways and received the books this month. Gemini by Carol Cassella is the book I won from
Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon so thanks to the hosts for hosting this amazing read-a-thon. Then I recieved Titan Magic and Titan Magic Body and Soul by Jodi Lamm from Fairy Tale Fortnight hosted by Misty @
The Book Rat and Bonnie @
A Backwards Story (they are even signed), and the last book is The Distance Between Us by Kasie West, which I recieved from Aly @
My Heart Hearts Books. Thanks to everybody for these amazing books. I can't wait to read them.
Since my Sister always comments how bad I am at selfies I thought I would try to take one with books. This was no easy feat.
Sorry for such a long wrap up as you can see June was a huge month even though it is only 30 days. If you made it this far congrats. If you decided to skip this post totally because it is so long I don't blame you.
Happy Reading!